Math, Science, Language Arts
Check Out our New Online Personal Live Tutors!

One-On-One private tutoring.
Teachers work directly with the students to help them stay ahead.
AddictiveMath Inc. curriculum follows the Common Core Standards.
We Also Incorporate the AKS (Academic Knowledge and Skills) from each state into each lesson.
We focus on the WHOLE student: Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally.
We partner with the parents to ensure student is getting enough rest.
Give a list of Brain Powering foods to the parents. Check Out our Online Digital Platform with Live Teacher!
Schedule Free Assessment
The assessment will help us determine which level to place each student. This also gives the perfect opportunity to meet our cool staff!
AddictiveMath Inc. is a math tutoring center located in Gwinnett County, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta.
We tutor students in math, science, reading and language arts. Students will utilize the online TeachWorks platform. We tutor Kindergarten through 12th grade students.
Our Teachers have numerous years of experience working with students.
One-On-One Teacher Ratio.
Interactive online web platform - TeachWorks.
Removes distraction from other students. Allows more focus with teacher.
Our Teachers have numerous years of experience working with students.
CPA approach for Singapore Math (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract)
Every employee at Addictive Math Inc. participates in professional development courses throughout the year.
We look forward to speaking with you soon!